Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle (ITIS)
Hydrilla, Florida elodea, water thyme, Indian star-vine
Eastern Hemisphere; U.S. strains possibly originated in Asia (Balciunas et al. 2002)
1950s (Balciunas et al. 2002)
Aquarium trade (Balciunas et al. 2002)
Crowds out native species; impedes irrigation and boating (Balciunas et al. 2002)

Hydrilla, plants
Photo by Raghavan Charudattan; University of Florida
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Balciunas, J.K., M. J. Grodowitz, A.F. Cofrancesco and J.F. Shearer. 2002. Hydrilla. In: R. Van Driesche et al. (Eds.), Biological control of invasive plants in the eastern United States (FHTET-2002-04). Morgantown, West Virginia: U.S. Forest Service Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Hydrilla verticillata. [Accessed Sep 16, 2023].